17 paź 2012

Chapeau Bas!

As a designer I just adore creating headgears, all kinds of - the cazier the better. In this respect I can be called a mad hatter :)

And now time for hat couture!

Wash and Go by milliner Stephen Jones
Hat couture ... Wash and Go by milliner Stephen Jones, curator of the V&A's exhibition

Philip Treacy is one of the masters in this branch of design.

Philip Treacy F/W 1997

Lyons Tea Philip Treacy Hat

For more go to: http://www.philiptreacy.co.uk/

And I just couldn't help myself from putting here something really extraordinary: the headgear by Eiko Ishioka.

Time for some conlusions! What can be worn as a hat? Absolutely everything! There are no wrong solutions, or are they? :)

Eric Peters, Crown


both illustrations come from: http://www.umsonstleutesuchen.de/eric-peters/

What I like most about art/design is that it takes things for something else we usually take them for. The best example below; a plastic bag that serves as a Renaissance bonnet.

Henrik Kerstens, "Bag"

And at the end, time for illumination! :) 

Luminaire chapeau melon et haute forme Jake Phipps

The guy below also loves hats! :)  Let's listen his difficult to comprehend story. Music, please!

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