17 paź 2012

Chapeau Bas!

As a designer I just adore creating headgears, all kinds of - the cazier the better. In this respect I can be called a mad hatter :)

And now time for hat couture!

Wash and Go by milliner Stephen Jones
Hat couture ... Wash and Go by milliner Stephen Jones, curator of the V&A's exhibition

Philip Treacy is one of the masters in this branch of design.

Philip Treacy F/W 1997

Lyons Tea Philip Treacy Hat

For more go to: http://www.philiptreacy.co.uk/

And I just couldn't help myself from putting here something really extraordinary: the headgear by Eiko Ishioka.

Time for some conlusions! What can be worn as a hat? Absolutely everything! There are no wrong solutions, or are they? :)

Eric Peters, Crown


both illustrations come from: http://www.umsonstleutesuchen.de/eric-peters/

What I like most about art/design is that it takes things for something else we usually take them for. The best example below; a plastic bag that serves as a Renaissance bonnet.

Henrik Kerstens, "Bag"

And at the end, time for illumination! :) 

Luminaire chapeau melon et haute forme Jake Phipps

The guy below also loves hats! :)  Let's listen his difficult to comprehend story. Music, please!

12 paź 2012


Let me take you to the parallel world. The world which will enchant you! I came across by pure chance these extraordinary and distinguished by breathtaking beauty, dolls. Their authour, Marina Bychkova, was disgusted by mediocrity of mass-producted dolls and decided to make something contrary, unique pieces of art.

Let me introduce the Enchanted Dolls


Enchanted Dolls by Marina Bychkova


 And here we have a photo session, inspired by dollies too, from 25th issue of Lounge that really enchanted me. Aneta Kowalczyk is its author. Though her surname is very common in Poland the high standards of photography she achieved are not. 



The following portraits come from Annie Collinges' forthcoming, Five Inches of Limbo. The series was inspired by dolls found in junk stores. What makes the cycle even more interesing is the fact that the models are   mostly strangers Annie met on the streets.

These portraits are from Annie Collinge’s forthcoming self-published book, Five Inches of Limbo. It was inspired by dolls found in junk stores and Margaret Atwood’s “Five Poems for Dolls,” also included in the book. Annie’s models are mostly strangers she met on the streets of New York or on the subway.
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