liil is me! My job is to track all kinds of design and art introducing some new quality, both in terms of of easthetics and satysfying practical needs. As a designer I'm going to contribute to this as well!
“Il faut souffrir pour etre belle.”? Bullshit! According to the icon of fashion, Coco Chanel: "Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury." So basics have been covered. Now it's time to think what it takes to achieve this unconstrained style of mademoiselles and madames. I bet that most of you thought about money in the first place. Do you really have to fork out to look like a Parisienne? Again, bullshit! :)
Let me prepare ten "commandments" sticking to which will allow you to mimic successfully French style.
I. Wear dark and neutral colours (black, navy,
grey and white)
II. Tracksuits? Forget about tracksuits!!!
III Buy yourself a good pair of jeans. What does it mean good? Well, compelementing your figure.
IV. Don't dare to wear leggins without a skirt or tunic. C’est vulgaire!
V. Jacket. Wear mens jackets but make them more femminie. How? Combine it with a flattering top and add a nice belt for examaple, and ta-da! :)
VI. It's about layers! Wear clothes in a natural way. Everyday clothes are not your uniform, let some bits of your sweater just to peep out from behind your leather jacket. Add an eye-catching scarf et voila!
VII. Trench. Your wardrobe would be just useless without it.
VIII Don't wear sets. Everybody looks in them riddiculous. And a
Parisienne seeing you in them would think your useless at clothes
combination. Therefore mix, mix, mix! Expensive and cheap go really well together.
IX. Accessories. Don't wear too much at a time. A necklace, bracelet and earings piled up on one woman are out of question!
X. Shoes. Parisienne hate breaking their legs that's why they avoid stilletoes and they invest in safety, namely in ballerines. Sometimes even sneakers will do! Hard to imagine, huh? ;)
Basically, keep your outfit simple. An obvious combination of a T-shirt and jeans can look tres chic when combined with an attractive accessorium.
And time for the EXPERT!:
Audrey Tautou starred the film ‘Coco Before Chanel’. Some people claim that she was a perfect inacarnation of the French fashion icon I'm not that sure of that what I'm sure is that she's got the French look. And looking at her is pleasing to the eye.
I'm fascinated by Asian design. It's difficult to say what it takes to create that smashing stuff. Is it a question of an ability just ingrained in Asian genes? Or is it rather a question of mundane work and fertile imagination? Who knows? But the results are blow-minding. And below a bit of oldies but goodies: Collection by Kunihiko Morinage at Japanese Fashion Week 2011/2012.
Kunihiko Morinage
Kunihiko Morinage
Kunihiko Morinage
All photos above come from:
And at the end one of the best commercials I've seen this year :)
For the first time I've heard about analgesia from one of the books by Stieg Larsson. It's a condition which is characterized by lack of pain sensation. Sounds like a really cool disease... ;)
It took me about six days to read the whole trilogy. And I must admit that for a very long time no books have engrossed me so much!Though at first sight they seemed to longish it soon turned out that they are so skillfully written and end with a cliff-hungers that a reader is just dying for more! That's a great pity that it's only trilogy. And though you may hope the writer will write something more... you hope in vain. Stieg Larsson is dead...
That's Rooney Mara, she starred A Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
An old saying goes: "Don't judge the book by the cover" But I do! And I find the original covers by a Swedish illustrator, Jörgen Einéus, smashingly the best! They make the books by Larsson just jump off the shelves.
And this is a French version of the covers... maybe they're nice... but they suggest some gothic stories and they don't go well with the real content of the books.
"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the
sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what
is happening."
1920's fashion is still present. To me it's no surprise. It was a time
when people made a big step to the future and with no sentiment said good bye to the
previous era. The change embraced all fields of life; manufacturing,
technology, music. And the revolution of that time still has wide
repercussions. But the greatest change took place in women themselves.
They were fed up with waiting for company of men in everything. (note
that many young men had died in the WWI). They wanted to have FUN, FUN,
FUN! And the first thing they did was to kick out old-fashioned torture devices like corsets and crinolines. Freedom reigned!
by Sarah Moon
Contemporary designers are still reaching for a great variety of cuts and patterns dating back to 1920's. One of my favourite collection inspired by flappers was the one created by Galliano for Dior for season A/W 2009/2010
Some time ago I couldn't help myself and designed a rubber flapper
dress. Dress is made with vinyl gloves and rubber bands. It took a w h i
l e... to make it! The results below :)
And a bit of Polish music from that times but in new arrangements. Enjoy! :)
Sometimes bad hair may cause some great misunderstandings. You may be taken for somebody you aren't, you never were, or even don't want to be ever. A hillarious situation of this kind occurred once to Frank Zappa during of an interview.
"An interviewer with a wooden leg said to Frank Zappa, 'With your long
hair, from where I am sitting you could be a woman.' Frank Zappa
replied, 'From where I'm sitting you could be a table.'"
Hair extensions may be a good idea. Hair extensions may be a bad idea... But think it twice before you make a change difficult to repair . Buy a cap first! ;)